Sunday, December 29, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Why We Crave Horror Movies - 858 Words
In his article ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror movies,â⬠Stephen King stresses the fact that we are all ââ¬Å"mentally ill,â⬠and explains why watching horror films is an effective way to deal with our inner insanity. According to King, we are all insane by human nature, and are made up of ââ¬Å"anticivilization emotions.â⬠These emotions are integral parts of our personalities, and in order to stay healthy, they ââ¬Å"demand periodic exercise.â⬠But living in society has taught us to repress these emotions, which is why he argues that watching horror films provide us with this psychological relief, allowing us to indirectly deal with ââ¬Å"anticivilization emotions.â⬠According to King, horror movies ââ¬Å"deliberately appeal to the worst in us,â⬠and therefore, perform the ââ¬Å"dirty jobâ⬠of satisfying our inner monsters. I disagree with King because horror movies can also have negative effects. In addition, people have different ways of channe ling out uncivilized emotions. Horror movies can have negative psychological effects. Although some people enjoy the thrill and nastiness of horror movies, I, for one, do not. Watching horror films give me nightmares, and make me extra paranoid. Rather than my inner psyche feeling ââ¬Å"satisfied,â⬠I feel disturbed. Watching horror films can also cause heightened stress and anxiety. Under more serious conditions, horror films can even cause PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A woman named Caroline appeared on the Dr. Phil show, who after watching a horror film called Psycho,Show MoreRelatedWhy We Crave Horror Movies1362 Words à |à 6 PagesAccording to Stephen Kingââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Moviesâ⬠he draws viewers into horror stories like the one above simply because we crave it. King claims in his essay we obsess over the wanting of horror as if we are daring the nightmare. The human condition is finally allows people to enter the totality of anti-civilization behavior. Many presume this to be false because the horror genre only offers a sense of something grim. However, Kingââ¬â¢s ideas are accurate because we do go to have fun, and ourRead MoreWhy We Crave Horror Movies860 Words à |à 4 Pages Well, we have got just the cure for you. Here is a sure-fire method to re-establish your normality while having a fun and exciting time; all you really need to get back on track is a good dosage of a gory horror film! According to Stephen King, Americaââ¬â¢s best-known writer of horror fiction, horror movies can serve a valuable purpose. In Kingââ¬â¢s Playboy-published essay, ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Movies,â⬠he examines the popular trend of attending horror films, and he provides several explanations forRead MoreEssay Why We Crave Horror Movies808 Words à |à 4 PagesIn the essay, ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Moviesâ⬠Stephen King attempts to explain why we love horror movies, and he gives a few different reasons why people go to see horror movies. People want to show that they are not scared; people want to have fun; but the main reason that he suggests is that we are insane and we need to watch horror movies to keep that insanity locked up in society. He uses a variety of argumentative strategies and literally decides to prove his thesis. On the other side, King surprisedRead MoreWhy We Crave Horror Movies Response1405 Words à |à 6 PagesBradfield MWF 11:10-12:00 PM 20 January, 2016 Why We Crave Horror Movies Response In Stephen Kingââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Movies,â⬠the author exemplifies a present-day approach to thinking about the genre of horror. King offers three explanations for why people go to see horror films: to psychologically relieve ourselves, to exercise our fears, and to establish our feelings of essential normality. He claims that watching horror films is not just a trend, but a necessity to fulfill ourRead MoreEssay on Why We Crave Horror Movies1046 Words à |à 5 Pagesessay, Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King the author tries to prove that the modern day horror movie is are relief of violence, are fix of adrenaline and fun, and also something that can dare the nightmare. In a lot of ways these things can be related to real life situations. My relief of violence is playing video games, and my fix of fun and adrenaline is when I play football, and something that dares my nightmare is when I challenge my brother. In the essay, Why We Crave Horror MoviesRead MoreWhy We Crave Horror Movies By Stephen King854 Words à |à 4 Pages(King, 2011, p. 561). Stephen King, a prolific author who writes popular horror novels (some of which have been turned into films themselves), wrote that opening sentence in his article about peopleââ¬â¢s love for horror films. In his article, ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Moviesâ⬠, King argues that our sanity places itself front and center, whenever someone watches a horror movie. King states that there are the obvious reasons why we enjoy horror films, such as the search for a thrill or the simple amusement of theRead MoreStephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies Analysis799 Words à |à 4 Pageswatching horror movies. Either they are surrounded by friends or family that enjoy the thrill of the subject matter or they find it interesting themselves. According to two authors these movies can have both positive and negative effects on those who frequently enjoy them . According to Stephen Kingââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Moviesâ⬠those who seek out scary movies are simply doing so to gain a release from the real world. In opposition, Bernie DeGroat author of the essay ââ¬Å"Scary Movies Can HaveRead MoreEssay Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King940 Words à |à 4 Pages Stephen King wrote a very brief essay titled Why we Crave Horror Movies, in which he explained some of the reasons that people choose to go to horror movies to be entertained. In his essay, King goes on to explain that we as a people need horror movies as a sort of release; to feed the darker elements within all of us without having to sacrifice our humanity (also, civility). King does this by comparing people based on their levels of sanity whereas some societal eccentricities are completelyRead MoreWhy We Crave Horror Movies By Stephen King Essay1080 Words à |à 5 Pagesso is to warn ourselves of any potential danger we might be in and prevent any future harm done to us. (Dayton) So, for what reason might we humans want to experience fear; such as watching horror movies, when it is so closely associated with pain? In Stephen Kingââ¬â¢s somewhat subjective essay in the 1984 Playboy magazine, Why We Crave Horror Movies, King describes his reasoning behind why so many people are fond of watching movies residing in the horror genre. The content of his essay, though insertedRead MoreStephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies Analysis823 Words à |à 4 Pagesdespise horror movies and dread waking up in the middle of the night due to daunting nightmares controlling their sleep. But somewhere in transitioning from a child to a young adult, many begin to acquire a love for horror movies. In ââ¬Å"Why We Crave Horror Moviesâ⬠, Stephen King proposes the idea that watching such gruesome violence keeps our inner demons in check while providing a ââ¬Å"psychic reliefâ⬠(2). Kingsââ¬â¢ claim that watching violence prevents violence is simply false; in reality, horror movies desensitize
Friday, December 13, 2019
Scope Case Study Free Essays
STRATEGIC MARKETING Mid-Semester Exam Spring, 2009 Name: Erika Woodhouse 1. Evaluate the changes that have occurred in the Canadian mouthwash market in the past three years and their impact of Scope. Be specific. We will write a custom essay sample on Scope Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now (20) In 1987 the growth rate for the mouthwash market experienced a 26 percent increase due to the introduction of new flavors. Brands were adding unique customization to attract consumers to their brand, and as a result the market as a whole grew. Since then the growth rate has declined to a level of 5 percent. 2. Management believes that the status quo is the best strategy. The team has been asked to make the case for and against this position, including in their discussion an evaluation of the positions of all or almost all members of the team. (20) a. _ Status quo_ b. _ Against status quo_ Scope should take action anddo something to compete with Plax and Listerineââ¬â¢s new claims. Proctor Gamble states in their statement of purpose and strategy, ââ¬Å"We will continuously stay ahead of competition while aggressively defending our established profitable business against major competitive challenges despite short term profit consequences. Therefore doing nothing is simple not an option. The market had an increase of 5 percent last year, while Scope suffered from a . 7 percent loss. Plax as a new competitor to the marked was able to achieve a 10 percent market share in over only three years, and will continue to grow and could take from our share if nothing is done. If we created a ââ¬Ëbetter tasking pre-brush rinseââ¬â¢ we can also compare t his to Scope when entered the market. Scope had all the same attributes of Listerine but offered a better taste, and was able to penetrate the market and be successful with a 12 percent market share in one year. 3. Management has wondered what impact the line extension strategy (using the Scope name) would have on overall profits of the Division if the price were held constant and if the price were increased 10 percent, assuming current volume. Accounting has provided the following information to assist in your analysis: Current variable cost: 20. 2/unit Variable cost likely increase with the line extension: 13% Total fixed cost: $2. 5 million + advertising, promotion, and general office costs. Scope should not introduce a line extension to compete. A line extension with the scope name would be likely to confuse its current customers. Also if the product fails it could reflect poorly on Scope. They also donââ¬â¢t have the ability to make a superior product; therefore they could hurt the brand image of providing qualit y and value. How to cite Scope Case Study, Free Case study samples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Starry Night Over the Rhone Painting by Vincent Van Gogh Essay Example For Students
Starry Night Over the Rhone Painting by Vincent Van Gogh Essay Starry Night Over the Rhine was painted along the banks of the Rhine River. What I first see when I look at this painting is the city lights reflecting off the water while a couple takes a walk on the nearby shore. The sky is filled with stars, including the Great Bear, commonly known as the Big Dipper. Van Gogh shifted the sky around in order to create an even more extraordinary display of stars. From his point of view the town of Arles lay to the south west; the Big Dipper he painted in the sky was actually in the north behind him. Starry Night Over the Rhà ´ne Towards the left you can see the towers of Saint Julienne and Saint Trophies, and the bridge connecting Arles to Tranquiller on the right. In the far horizon, a church steeple is shown. Starry Night Over the Rhine was described in a letter from Vincent Van Gogh as a cheerful piece, but when the painting was finished almost a year later, it had a revised mood and meaning. The work is dark, but serene. Many believe that the swelling depression in Van Gogh distorted the original sketchs romantic charm. This painting is a reflection of inner torment and mental distress. The animated strokes, the bright, vivacious colors of the stars contrasting against the dark blues and blacks of the night reveal his cry for hope, light and love. The focal point of Starry Night Over the Rhine is the constellation of the Big Dipper. Vincent Van Gogh brings attention to the Big Dipper by using color and value. The sky is the lightest shade of blue around the Big Dipper. The bright yellow stars in the constellation contrast with the blue to bring focus to them. Van Gogh uses the lines in the ground under the couple and around the edge f the water to make a circular motion that brings the eyes back to the focal point of the Big Dipper. Van Gogh also uses contrasting directional lines in the sky to make the stars stand out. The texture of the entire painting is very thick because of the method of impasto that Van Gogh used. A closer look at the Starry Night Over the Rhine reveals that Vincent Van Gogh gave equal visual weight to all the things that he painted. In this painting there is no visual distinction between the earth and the sky. Van Gogh shows unity throughout the piece with the lights, both natural and an-made. For every star or group of stars there is a city light or group of lights, which then has a reflection in the water. At the waters edge near the couple, it is nearly impossible to see the distinction between land and water. The low contrast makes it hard to tell whether the ship is sinking in the water, or merely Just docked. The bright lights have a high contrast to the dark blue-black sky and water. The way the water is depicted creates a rhythm that gives the illusion of waves rippling. The Starry Night Over the Rhine is an oil painting on canvas and the technique is broad ND sweeping brushstrokes. Vincent Van Gogh also used the technique of impasto in this painting. Impasto is very thick application of paint, usually wet on wet. This technique gives the painting texture and movement. Van Gogh painted rapidly, with a sense of urgency, using the paint straight from the tube. Van Gogh painted emotionally, trying to throw his heart onto the canvas and evoke feeling. (http:// www. Ratable. Com/artists/Vincent_van_Gogh/paintings/starry_night_over_the_Rhine) When I look at The Starry Night Over the Rhine, I feel infinite. .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .postImageUrl , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:visited , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:active { border:0!important; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:active , .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua96e12fec7599ed2a2274b9fd63bf8af:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Clown Of 12Th Night, Feste EssayThis painting makes me feel at peace, like I could Just look at it forever. It reminds me of the song Bella Note from Lady and the Tramp. A quote I particularly like from Vincent Van Gogh is l dont know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream. This painting truly exhibits this quote. The Starry Night Over the Rhine is magical and beautiful. It is one of very few pieces of artwork that I feel this way about, which is why I selected it for this assignment. I can not imagine a better piece of art to own.
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