Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Technology Contributing to Americas Laziness Essays

Is Technology Contributing to America’s Laziness? Many people are spending their leisure times behind computers and tablets than they are being physically productive. Although, most of the new technologies have had many benefits to the advancements in the way in which we function efficiently in the world today; it also has contributed to the sedentary lifestyles for many adults and children. A world before technology, included children playing activities outside and adults engaging in these activities with their children. Technology should be limited to ensure that we are all getting an adequate amount of social interaction, that children are being properly educated and to help reduce the continuing growth of obesity in America.†¦show more content†¦People do not have to take the time to think for themselves anymore, they can find the answer with a click of a button. Technology changes the way we live our daily lives, the way we learn, and the way we use our faculties of attention -- and a growing body of research has suggested that it may have profound effects on our memories (particularly the short-term, or working, memory), altering and in some cases impairing its function (Gregoire). Technology has also made it to the point where people are losing social skills and no longer interacting face to face. It has become common for people to have a more active virtual social life than they do a physical social life. â€Å"When the brain spends more time on technology-related tasks and less time exposed to other people, it drifts away from fundamental social skills like reading facial expressions during conversation† (â€Å"Scientists Fear†, 2008). Technology has come to a point where people no longer have to or want to leave their homes in order to meet and socialize with other people. With such things as social networking, we are all owed to meet hundreds of new people without even moving. The problem with that is we need to have the opportunity to leave our homes and engage in social interactions face to face. Social skills are important for a healthy social life. â€Å"Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures,Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Impact of Child Obesity on a Childs Life1972 Words   |  8 Pagesgross healthy food. But, with the vending machines being stocked with more junk food snacks kids are willing to put his or her money into the machine. Another cause for childhood obesity is the lack of activity or exercise they do. With all the technology around the country it’s fairly simple for a child to talk his or her way out of playing a sport or exercising for a couple of minutes a day. 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